
Gather the most accurate, as-drilled, blast hole data through Diptek’s revolutionary field hardware data device. Use the data to produce redrill and heatmaps for engineering risk assessment.

How it Works

The essence of each blast hole is captured rapidly by the field hardware and compared to design. The high precision and scale of data capture enables near real time feedback to blast designers and allows for value based decisions to be made.

Why Use Diptek’s Technology?

Diptek’s technology is the only field collection system that has foundational accuracy. Time, location, depth, water presence and other hole properties cannot be fabricated and are forever linked to the design hole comparison in space and time.

While currently only available through the Diptek Blast Hole QAQC service, dry hire of the field technology is anticipated in late 2023.

What It Means for Your Operation

  • Speed
  • Accuracy
  • Integrity
  • Ergonomics of field collection
  • Data management & analytics
  • Future ready (autonomous mountable)

Drill and blast operations for a more sustainable future.

Talk to the Diptek team today.